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Celebrated Taekwon-do author and creator of the OSP system    Ciaran McDonald M.A.,M.Ed. reveals the secret applications...


How many Taekwon-do Patterns Can You Name? 

Do You Know How To Apply The 'Self Defence' In

Any Of Them?

Would you like to know how to Transform your Taekwon-do patterns practice into 'really useful' self defence training?

Do you want to turn your fundamental techniques into highly effective 'self defence' responses

"Both book and online course are well researched and presented, and as always the emphasis is on using TKD to deal with HAOV (Habitual Acts Of Violence). This is just the sort of resource that the TKD community need to make TKD complete.

General Choi's encyclopaedia explains how to do TKD.  The Old School Perspectives series of resources is the WHY we do it!"

 - David Price, 5th Degree - Head instructor of Charnwood TKD

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Does your Taekwon-do prepare you the 'REAL' nature of violence? 

Do you train for this?
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Or do you train for this?
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Does you training prepare you for being:

  • head locked 

  • thrust against a wall 

  • repeatedly hit with hook punches 

  • head butted

  • dragged into a car

  • grabbed and seized 

  • bear hugged 

  • strangled 

  • pulled by hair 

  • thrown 

Taekwon-do is an incredibly effective art at long range.  TKD people are the best at kicking and our sparring is exciting and dynamic. However... 
"Real violence happens in very close proximity"  

Bad guys may use subterfuge, distraction or simply rush you to get close. This ‘real violence’ doesn’t occur at the range TKD trains for.  And violence takes many forms other than just punches, kicks and blocks.

Traditional step sparring has many benefits but it does not prepare people for the close personal nature of 'real violence'.  We need training that deals with close up too.

Does this sound familiar?

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Many of the explanations you've received for applications of techniques just don't seem realistic.

You don't think they would work in the real world.

  • You know that the patterns contain great self defence but no one seems to know what it is

  • You want someone to show you in a step by step process how to use your patterns to REALLY defend yourself 

You don't want to waste your time studying another martial art in order to find great self defence. You need a clear and detailed program to help you transform your TKD self defence.

I have developed a simple and respected system that will guarantee you results.  

You can stop wasting time scratching your head at the impossible applications to your patterns. Adopt a unique approach that will guarantee you have the knowledge needed to use your TKD to defend yourself and your loved ones.  


 You need a unique training system that will teach you all you need to defend yourself.  

Learn How The 'OSP Flow System' Will Turn Your Patterns Into Dynamic Self Defence Training

Watch how to transform the simple Knife hand block
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I've been where you are.  Let me help!


My Name is Ciaran McDonald M.A., M.Ed. author of the critically acclaimed book 'Old School Perspectives on Taekwon-do'

worked for many years as a teacher in the UKs best universities. I'm a full time instructor, a proud husband / father of two little children and a martial arts nut. 


I LOVE Taekwon-do.  And I've been where you are now!


I spent many years learning TKD patterns but never knew what was in them. I felt that the so called 'self defence' I was learning was over ritualised and ineffect.  I felt vulnerable.  I felt a fraud teaching my students that their Taekwon-do would protect them.  

So I went on a journey of discovery.   I researched and studied and taught many arts to find effective self-defence. I began to feel confident in my abilities and I acquired a huge tool box of techniques and strategies.

But the revelation that shocked me most was that all that I had learnt was already in TKD.

'It was all hidden in the patterns'

This discovery completely transformed my Taekwon-do and my approach to pattern study.  Suddenly I had found an effective way to use the patterns to teach my students effective self defence and have them remember it with ease.


So I made it my mission to share this great discovery with my Taekwondo-do brothers and sisters.

  1. You don't have to squander £50,000 travelling the world seeking experts!

  2. You don't have to spend huge amounts of time away from your family!

  3. You don't have to take up other arts to improve the one you love, TKD! 

'Thats why I designed the OSP system'

So you can transform your TKD study without it costing you in time, money and pain  

OSP Presents

Functional Self-Defence Applications and Drills for Taekwon-do


The first comprehensive Video Course to offer the 'secret' self defence techniques of the TKD Patterns whilst...

Utilising the Unique OSP Flow System

Follow my clear and concise plan in order to avoid overwhelm.  Using my unique training methods you will gain fantastic confidence in your new hand on skills.

When you enrol on my video course you'll get access to the hidden self defence and the lost practices that bring the patterns of Taekwon-do to life.

Best of all you'll own a set of techniques that work at all ranges and against all types of violent agressor

And here's what that look's like...

Realistic Self Defence Techniques - No need to study Krav Maga or MMA to learn effective self defence techniques. This course will teach you how to apply Taekwon-do patterns to many of the most common habitual acts of physical violence. You'll learn escapes, throws, joint locks, takedowns, pressure point striking and all contained in the one pattern

Wide Variety of Techniques Clearly Explained - You'll get detailed and super clear explanations of a huge range of techniques from the coloured belt patterns. These demonstrations are designed using educational principles so I guarantee you'll be able to follow with ease and teach with confidence.

Extensive Range of Options - I believe that everyone is an individual and what works for one may not for others.  This is why my program offers lots of options for dealing with the same problem. You'll get options to either disengage, finish a fight or employ a variety of control mechanisms.  So whatever your need I've got it covered. 

Revolutionary Training Method - The 'OSP Flow System' employs continuous two person flow drills to maximise repitition and ensure a safe but dynamic method of training even the most dangerous techniques.  Not only will you gain hands on experience with joint locks, strangulations, pressure points, and takedowns etc but you'll get to experience the feeling of how being manhandled 'really feels like'. You can increase the resistance as your skill level grows.


With the OSP flow system You'll learn so much faster and enjoy the journey so much more.


This unique course will empower you to transcend long range Taekwon-do and defend up close and personal.

Using sequences from the Chang-Hon coloured belt patterns  you'll be able to: 

  • Use your knife hand for a variety of defences

  • Employ pressure points to break structure 

  • Throw an opponent

  • Control a fallen attacker 

  • Choke rather than strike

  • Manipulate a joint

  • Survive in a clinch 

  • Apply an ankle lock

  • Block hook punches

  • Escape lapel grabs

  • Escape head locks

  • Escape wrist grabs

  • Apply an arm bar

  • Deflect straight punches

  • Effectively use a knife hand block

  • Safely catch round kicks

  • Use patterns as aide mémoires 

  • Teach all this to others

The OSP system will reinvigorate your practice of Taekwon-do Tul.  
You'll be able to use your patterns to remember all the self defence applications you need.  
With positive visualisation every solo performance can be preparing you for the realities of combat. 
Course structure 
This course takes the fundamental Taekwondo-do blocks and transforms them into a set of dynamic responses to many of the most common acts of violence.  Each lesson will consist of 3 main parts:
1) An examination of the problems with the widely taught applications
2) A explanation of the OSP 'realistic application' including a detailed demonstration and follow up to end the fight
3) A unique two person flow drill which incorporates the application (and a possible escape) into a dynamic looped training sequence which will guarantee repetition in a safe yet challenging way.
Section.1 - Lessons
Lesson.1 & 2 - Welcome to the course: Description of the course and a  welcome message from the course tutor, premilinary stuff and and explanation of how to use the course 
Lesson.3 - Blocking and the classical mess & set sparring: oAn explanation of how many of out 'so called blocks came to be mislabeled and have the wrong applications attributed to them.  An examination of Step sparring and how it has had a disastrous effect on how TKD represents and teaches 'violence' in the dojang. 
Lesson.4 - Middle block applications and drills: In-depth analysis of this misunderstood  but highly effective tool.  Followed by 5 dynamic blocking and countering drills which will enable the defender to confidently protect themselves from straight punches.  Warning: This lesson is NOT like 'Step Sparring'
Lesson.5 - Knife hand guarding block: Dealing with the deadly 'hook punch' this lessons offer 5 unique but incremental drills which take the learner from simple redirection of force through a range of effective counters.  You've NEVER seen knife hand like this. Warning: This lesson involves strangulation
Lesson.6 - The X-block: How to transform your x-block into a highly effective method of choking and subduing an attacker
Lesson.7 - The low block series: Re-examining the simple low block to bring out its many uses this lesson offers 3 individual applications. It culminate in one long continuous drill practicing all 3 applications whilst offering escapes from each attack.
Lesson.8 - Twin knife hand: Escaping the double wrist control from behind.  This technique is straight out of Choong-Moo Tul and is particularly useful for women who experience a high risk of being manhandled.
Lesson.9 - Twin forearm block: Using the first 3 moves from Won-Hyo tul this drills teaches the student to negotiate being punched and controlled at the same time.  Never worry about lapel grabs again!
Lesson.10 - W-shaped Block: Utilizing one of TKDs strangest blocks this drill will teach the student how to choke an opponent and how to body slam then should that fail.  You've just got to find out what this block does!
Lesson.11 - Wedging block.1 Negotiating the two handed push.  Use of a dissolve to dissipate force and permit a counter to the head and neck. Warning: This involves a nec
Lesson.12 - Wedging block.2 Use of 'bird plucks a branch to attack a joint and force a takedown 
Lesson.13 - Inward outer forearm block: Straight out of Choong-Moo tul this drill uses the 'pulling arrows' technique to defend against a 'bitch slap' and disable the attackers elbow and head.

View on any device, anywhere, anytime.

Using Thinkific's fantastic educational platform this course can be accessed using any modern media device: smart phone, tablet laptop or desktop.

  • The course can be viewed as many times as you like.  Once you enrol it's yours for LIFE.

  • With built in feedback and email system you can get the support you need.  I am always available to help with advice on techniques or drills should you need it

  • Highly responsive controls you can select lessons, freeze scenes and skip at will. Thinkific will bookmark where you left off


  • For particularly technical study users may select from any of up to 8 different playback speeds. 

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Plus You'll also Get FREE

Sensitivity Drills for TKD: Solo Drilling- Worth £24.99

Practise the techniques of The Tul
WITHOUT a partner

Inspired by the pressure COVID-19 has placed on TKD students the world over. This course offers a unique set solo sensitivity drills that will empower the Taekwon-do student to do partner work, even without a partner.

With over 25 minutes of drills and explanation you'll discover how  increase your tactile sensitivity in order to control an opponent.


With 5 dynamic drills you can safely practice using your middle block for 'sticking' to your opponent whilst transitioning into:

  1. Punches

  2. Palm strikes

  3. Ridge hands

  4. Joint Attacks or 

  5. Strangulation

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Never be without a partner again

You'll Also learn the simple DIY necessary to make your own outdoor solo training aid

Worth £24.99 you will receive this completly FREE 

Wait! there's more...

FREE Application Work Made Easy - PDF Guide

To help you negotiate the potential pitfalls of application work I've included a handy PDF Guide. This unique collection of tips will speed up your learning while avoiding common problems...

  • How to avoid upsetting your instructor
  • How to avoid injury
  • Best strategies to progress faster
  • What to concentrate on to boost learning
  • Where you might trip up
  • and much more...

Usually £5.99 But Yours for FREE

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See what others think of  

'Old School Perspectives on Taekwon-do'

The OSP system is a series of books and courses designed to offer the TKD enthusiast a valuable new depth to their study. I am using my research to help instructors and students get the most from their patterns.  OSP offers effective ways to utilise TKD that don't exist elsewhere.  


See what others think of my book.


FREE Lifetime membership to the 'OSP Members Area' with this purchase

Get free Tutorials, Tips, access to members only, blog posts and member discounts.

James Tjin A Ton.jpg

GM James Tjin A Ton

9th Degree ITF

Your book is great
and I recommend this book to all students of ITF Patterns 
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GM Paul Liversidge

9th Degree ITC

10 out of 10
one of the best books I've read on Tae Kwon-Do.
Patrick McCarthy Endorsement.jpg

GM Patrick McCarthy 9th Degree K.U.

Highly recommended
is Ciaran McDonald's seminal work, "Old School Perspectives on TKD,"

GM Mel Steiner 9th Degree ITF USA

Should be REQUIRED reading
for all Ch’ang Hon black belts from 9th dan down. Kudos to Mr. McDonald for exposing the short comings of “our” art. 
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Stuart Anslow 5th Degree 

Author and Editor 

A joy to read
 well thought out, researched thoroughly and presented well .

YES! I'm ready to ENROL NOW!  

I understand I'll get access to:

Functional Self Defence Applications & Drills - rrp £59.99
Sensitivity drills for TKD: Solo Drills - £24.99
Application Work Tip Sheet (PDF) - £5.99
Lifetime membership to the OSP members area - Price Less 

That's a Total Retail Value of £90.97

Enrol now

The GOLDEN RULE Guarantee


1) If you don't learn more about the your Taekwon-do patterns         from this course than you knew before,

2) If it doesn't provide you with a whole new method of study,

3) If this course doesn't breathe life into your patterns practice, 


… then I will refund your money, no questions asked.


I do unto others what I want done to me.


I've got your back!


"A big thank you to Ciaran McDonald for this piece of it! 

Very good explanation! I enjoyed listening to his views. The applications are what is missing from some Taekwondo schools...and what makes it a complete martial art. 

After all its the Korean art of Self Defence... Right? 

This is a MUST for all Taekwondo Instructors and students. 

Scott McMillan 5th Degree - Head instructor Phoenix Taekwon-Do

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Get Started Today for JUST £45.00

Start your Journey today 
Take your TKD to the next level
Become an expert in pattern self defence NOW!
Note: Once you have paid you will immediately be sent an email with all the links to your courses and your PDF in it.  If you cannot find this, after checking your spam folder please email me directly and I will re-send it right away
Ciaran McDonald -
Marble Surface

6 Frequently Asked Questions

No, once you purchase the course it is yours for life.

You can access it as many times as you like FOREVER!

  1. Is there a time limit for this course?

4.Could my students use   this?

Yes they could.  

The OSP system is designed so that it can be introduced at any grade. In fact I believe elements of it should be taught to white belts.

Yes you certainly can.  

This course can be accessed from any device: phone, tablet, laptop or desktop.

2.    Can I watch this on my            mobile?

What price do you place on your Taekwon-do?  This course will unlock the secrets of the patterns and offer you a new way to fall in love with Taekwon-do again.

5.    Is it worth the money?

No! The techniques and drills contained within this course are universally applicable and someone with a background in WT Taekwondo, ITF Taekwon-do, Tang Soo Do or Karate would all benefit equally.  

3.    Do I need to be know ITF        Taekwon-do?

Yes! The techniques taught here do not rely on youth or flexibility.

They are effective but not complicated and the demonstrations are VERY easy to follow.

6.   Can I do this?

Get Started Today for £45.00

Start your Journey today 
Take your TKD to the next level
How can you NOT understand the art you love!

It's Descision Time

You're standing at the crossroads


Ahead of you lie two roads:

On the left is the one you've been on. It's full of dead ends and dogma and seems to be going nowhere different!


On the right a is the road less travelled

 It's full of enlightenment and exploration. It promises excitement and new challenges.  

Choose the right road!

Let's start that journey of discovery together.



PS - Every journey starts with one step. It may be frightening to try something new or stand out from the crowd.  But we should embrace the challenge. Don't get stuck in a rut. Take the first step toward a different future and invest in your Taekwon-do today. 

Get Started Today for £45.00

Start your Journey now 
Take your TKD to the next level
Transform your Taekwon-do  TODAY!

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